Sunday, March 31, 2013


I have become so, I don't know, stuck in my own way. I can't figure out what to do. Despite doing this as sort of a practice to write every day, I can't seem to get past my own mental block in regards to my own writing. And in the non-writing world it's becoming harder and harder to deal with everyone. Some are inconsiderate and some are just so dumb they don't realize it.

Who does the "shoulder" lean to when he needs a shoulder. Because the weight is becoming overwhelming. .

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It has been a few days. But those days have been a dark void of un-creativity. Hopefully I can get back in track. All of my creative juices involve reminiscing about the good times we all had in our scout. And creating banners with a game of thrones app.

It's weird when you are running you know how much time. I have no idea how Delong I have left and I'm savior to fall asleep.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

It is really hard sometimes to vent to people who care. That is why I'm all for therapy. I think I may need to talk to an impartial third party. I have so much going on, I just need someone who is being paid to sit there and listen.

I think if I do go back to therapy I would give a quick breakdown of all the players in the game. My last therapist didn't go that way and it seemed like I was introducing new characters every week. Perhaps a grid of some sort. I don't know.

I realized I can't drink like I used to. 1.5 liters of beer and I end up a little hung over.

I don't know.

Friday, March 22, 2013

I just watched this documentary on poverty that was on HBO. Wow was that depressing. I am so grateful that we had options when the smooth waters got rocky. Some of these people they showed were good, hardworking people who hit some bad luck. Mostly through no fault of their own. I think the movie was called American Winter.

It was a rough workout I had too much food in my stomach and I felt like I was going to vomit and my legs emerge both burnt.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Someone once told me that if you ever want to feel behind on your writing you should start a blog. I hear that. It is way too early to be up as opposed to my usual, way too late. I'm laying in bed and it's only comfy when the fan hits me. But I'd be shivering if the fan didn't oscillate at all. Damn I was sure I would be able to spell oscillate right the first time or at least the second time. I wish I was as deep a sleeper as my daughter. Once she is out, she is out. And let me tell you there will be hell to pay in any hour when I try to wake her up.

Friday, March 15, 2013

I'm one of those guys.

So I have become one of those guys. I wrote an email to George RR Martin about a question I had about Game of Thrones. You would think someone shaping a world in five 800 page books would find space to figure out the tiniest piece of minutiae.

Holy crap I'm tired. Once I'm finished writing this I'm going to sleep. I can honestly say I haven't been this tired in days.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My new portal

My wife has a way about her that can either get me to do something. Or stop me completely. Tonight I got an email from her and made a new web page. Sort of a launch page. Or a portal, with links to twitter, contact info, my writing portfolio, my blogs (including this one) and eventually maybe a podcast. Who knows. And of course contact info.I realized that was the first thing I write but hey it's late. Hopefully I can finish it at some point this weekend, but I don't know. It looks great, an unfinished version is up there so if you can find it by all means check it out.

I found something written about me and there was a weird comment.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Really excited about a blog post I wrote for NYC dads. I really hope it gets picked up by some of the other blogs that pick up content from this dads group. It was well written and getting it published by a blog that isn't my own is pretty good and nothing to sneeze at.

My honing my writing skills with this automatic writing exercise and by setting up a schedule of things I need to accomplish at night. I keep a good calendar of my daytime activities with google calendar, but a brief outline of top line things is going to really help me maximize my time at night.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Nothing feels worse than being stuffed by a meal that was not particularly good. I had this sandwich which consisted of chicken, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and bacon. All things I like. But it just wasn't right. And now it's not sitting right either.

I don't understand some people. The ones who are self absorbed, (says the guy with two blogs and a twitter feed) and those living in the past. And some who are both. They do things with little to no regard for the rules of polite society. And get confused when someone brings that up. Some times you just shouldn't act a certain way.

This day light savings time is screwing me up. My body does not know when to be tired or not. I just feel tired all the time I guess. Stupid farmers. Most farms are automated these days. The machines don't need the extra hour of sunshine. Let's stop being so dumb. But I guess that is what we are best at.

Fell asleep writing this

I fell asleep with this screen open. So tired. So this is a session in the early morning. My ears are fuzzy like they are going to pop. Why is it that some mornings you wake up and your dreams were totally vivid while other mornings the last thing you remember is closing your eyes the night before. Usually those nights are ones you wake up still really tired. Last night was one of those dreamless and restless nights. It's not even seven in the morning and my day is shot. And apparently we are in for yet another storm. Yeah right there is no change in weather patterns toward the extreme. Snow storms nor'easter here and there. I remember when those were a big deal, now they are regular events.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sleeper outside of Gymboree

I am totally into this automatic writing thing and I realized I an now a much better typist on my iPhone than I am on the computer. You should have seen how fast I typed on my old Blackberry. I'm talking warm buttons.

So I had this dream yesterday night. So Saturday into Sunday. And it was like a weird premise to a movie. Certain people are chosen from society to be sent to an alternate but sort of parallel universe. In this dream I had a going away party and then I was in another town. Sort of looked like the area behind the inner harbor of Baltimore. Not the shitty area but the kind of cool area on the other side of the water. And I was with people I knew and they were comfortable dealing with other dimension Niel. Everyone was less buttoned up and cooler.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


So I can do my five minutes of writing whenever. But will try to do at least right before bed. So it's two twenty something and I need to be up in a few hours to start my routine again. School, toddler play, Gymboree, pick up kid from school, wash, rinse and repeat. Perhaps we will get a car wash tomorrow. Nice vacuum job on the inside hopefully nothing goes missing from the car this time. Last car wash I got my hand axe which was under the drivers side seat was taken. Don't ask why I had it under the seat. Sometimes you just kind having like having a heavy axe around. Oh well. Shit happens. I'll just be more careful with my new knife which I am very very fond of. It is razor sharp and strong and true. I was pruning branches like no ones business this weekend.

Automatic Writer

I took this humor writing course on Friday from the Gotham's Writer's Workshop. And the instructor who weirdly reminded me of a cross between Bill Nye the Science guy and Joel McHale made mention of automatic writing. Basically writing without really editing or anything like that. And that it is good practice to write and write and write. So I decided I can blog five minutes of writing before I go to sleep every night. And just write about anything. Either it is stuff for my other blog or just random stream of consciousness stuff. The class was really good and I thought that alot of my writing was excellent. I got lots of laughs especially with my Red Sonja pages and my tour guide descriptions of Manhattan.  I see all the red lines for misspellings in the paragraph above and its driving me a little crazy. Perhaps there should be an automatic editor blog. Oy. I really need to fix some of that stuff or become a better typist. Ok once my five minutes is up I will fix the spelling mistakes. Because if not it is almost unreadable.